Thursday, May 30, 2019

Consider changes Owen made in Anthem For Doomed Youth. How effective Es

Consider changes Owen made in Anthem For Doomed Youth. How effectivedo you find them in presenting the Pity of War?In this demonstrate I intend to analysis how effective the redrafts of thepoem Anthem For Doomed Youth by comparing the initial and finaldrafts. I will go about this caper by comparing and contrasting theparts of the poem, which have been change to the ones, which appearedin the final draft.The first change that one is confronted with is the change of thetitle. Owen begins with the word dead, which is changed to doomed.The reason for changing this is because it makes the readers firstimpressions very deep. The word doomed hits closer to home than theword dead as doomed creates image sin the readers mind that all theyouth will eliminate as opposed to dead which simply accounts for thedead. The word doomed has a greater impact within the readers mind.The word doomed in like manner has a sense of inevitableness about it and thoseinvolved have no control over it. It h ints to the reader that theyouth of the soldiers has been taken away due to the horrific eventsthat they will encounter whilst at war. As youth is meant to be a timeof happiness. The boilers suit impact if this change does do a lot for thepoem to emphasise the Pity of War.In the first line the soldiers are referred to in the final draft ascattle from the passive verb of fast. The word cattle createsconnotations within the readers mind of the slaughtering of theanimals and creates a much more violent picture. It also spells out tothe reader that the reason for cattle is so they can be slaughter andtheir existence serves no other meaning which could be linked to the habit of the troops being in the skirmish field t... ...ake an effort but itseems to make war be a petty thing and as briefly as darkness strikeseveryone puts down guns and waits until morning.Overall the majority of the changes are to make the lines have moreimpact but some are also to be in with the structure. The po em is intwo stanzas, the first seems to create a picture of the entire eventsof a whole war. Due to the way it talks of battle and then mentionremembrance at the end. Due to the language used and the usage ofalliteration the stanza seems to have a sense of speed about it andoverall creates a very compelling picture of war. The second stanzahas a much more religious and emotional view about it. The pace isslowed down and thither is much emphasis on the connotations andimagery, which the author crates. The poem is a very true reflectionof the way in which life was wasted in demesne War One.

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